
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Here goes another free pizza!

Congratulations Samuel, it looks like you really enjoyed your free pizza from Hell Pizza.


  1. congratulations sam

  2. Congratulations Samuel on getting a free pizza
    I'm only got 2 books done but what was your favourite book? And how did the pizza taste?
    By Jakob by Room 4

  3. Hi Sam
    Hope you enjoy your pizza Sam. I'm on my way to get my pizza too. I only need 5 more books to get a free pizza. Hope you get another pizza in the future.How many pages does all your books have?
    By Yam room 4

  4. Hi Sam,
    Congratulations on getting a Hells pizza. I so hope I can get one, I'm only on my 3rd book and your maybe on your 2nd pizza clip. I hope you get another one. What was your favourite book to read on your 1st pizza clip?
    From Bryan Room 4
