
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Homework Stories

Here are some homework stories from Room 9. Each week the children choose three unrelated words and they have to write a short interesting story that includes these words.

Mrs Davis - Scotland - vivid by Aroha
I would like to tell you about Mrs Davis. One day she went to Scotland and she was so happy because she was on holiday. Mrs Davis was missing Room 9, so she drew a picture with a  vivid of Valley School and Room 9. She put it on the wall to show everyone.

Mrs Davis - Scotland - vivid by Torryn
One day Mrs Davis was in Scotland and she drew moustaches on all the people, with a giant vivid. It looked funny.

Monster - Sock - Jelly bean by Sam D
Once upon a time there was a really hungry monster and he was poor. He only had a jelly bean but he didn't know what flavour it was but he was so hungry that he ate it. He then figured out what flavour it was, it was stinky sock flavour!
Charley, Mrs Davis and several other students thought this story was really funny. Well done Sam!

Monster - Sock - Jelly bean by Charley
One day I was strolling through the breezy park, when I saw something flying through the blue sky. I had no idea what it was. I jumped up and caught it. It was a disgusting smelly purple sock with bright blue and purple jelly beans in it. Suddenly I saw a green hairy monster running towards me, shouting, "That's my sock!". He was right, because he was wearing the other one. "Here you go," I said with a smile on my face.

Domino - Penguin - Ireland by Blake
Once upon a time there was a Penguin named Jonah. He dreamt that Ireland was made out of dominos.

T-Rex - Rainbows End - Ball by Hunter
Once upon a time there was a T-Rex. He was rich and his favourite place to go was Rainbows End. One time he found a ball, so he took it home and played with it.

Jelly Bean, Sock, Monster - by Hayley T
Once upon a time there lived a very friendly monster. He had ten feet and they were BIG feet! So, he had to have lots of socks. The problem was he had six left feet and four right feet which meant he had to buy six pairs of socks. When he got the socks, he tried one on and found squishy jelly beans in it!

Jelly Bean, Sock, Monster - by Lorien
Once upon a time there was a jelly bean and it was very lonely. Its name was Lorien. It didn't have a town for miles. No clothes, no food, no anything. But one day there came a friendly monster. They became friends forever. They found some nice clean socks for the monster to wear and then they had everything they needed!

Jelly Bean, Sock, Monster - by Samuel
On day I was eating some jelly beans when a deep voice said, "Can I have some socks please?" "Sure," I said. I went to my bedroom and got some spare socks. 
"Ewwww", I said to myself. I walked back to the kitchen and gave the socks to the deep voiced Monster. "Weird!" I said.

Mt Everest, Pencil, Ms Harrison - by Hayleigh L
One day there was lady named Ms Harrison. She climbed Mt Everest and saw a pencil. She picked it up and the pencil wasn't broken. "It's a working pencil" she said. And that's the end of my story. I hope you liked my story.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 9. Your stories are very imaginative! Tonight Blake showed me your homework blog and we had quite a few giggles at your funny stories. Especially the sock flavoured one by Sam D.
